Tuesday 17 May 2011


Just a really sweet picture I found on a friend's blog and thought of sharing :)

Monday 14 February 2011


Hello hello,

I haven't written here for a while now so I thought it was about time to start again.
This post won't be about any particular photographic group or exhibition, just a little chat between me and you and what I've been up to - of course in terms of visual art!

So, I have recently discovered and become part of the Lomography world: the other day I was waiting for a film (used with my Olympus OM10) to develop and I popped in one of the chain's shops by Spitalfields market. There I found so many of their amazing little plastic cameras of any color and just got lost in that world - until the saleswoman eventually came up to me asking if I needed any he
lp... I admit I was quite lost between all those kinds. Well, even though I promised myself not to buy anything, I ended up leaving the shop with a brand new Mini Diana which I love, it's just too cute and small, which enables me to bring it anywhere I want thanks also to its light weight. So far I developed only one film, it didn't came out too bad but I still need to work on it (I will eventually post some pictures one day).

Then, the day after, since I had to save money I had the brilliant idea of buying a flashgun for my Nikon D80. This is a bit different though, I do hope it will be an investment and that the expense will be paid off! In fact I have been talking to a guy who was looking for club photographers, and since I had some experience in it - and some extra money sounds quite nice - I should start helping him out soon. Hopefully everything will work out for the better!

I haven't visited any exhibition recently unfortunately, it has been such a busy period with work and uni. For one of my modules, me and my group had to shoot a short film - it has been an incredible experience that has really taught me a lot, if you'd like to take a look at it you can find it here. Don't be too peaky, we were all beginners :) Something that upsets me a little bit about the film is that we haven't been able to properly 'pass the message' we wanted to: what to us the film is about are the choices we make in life and how they affects us (and how no matter what we chose some things have to happen anyway). But unfortunately what many people got from it is a critique to those who do drugs, as if we wanted to show that 'drugs are bad and if you marry you have a happy life'. Oh well, overall as I said I had fun and we learn from our mistakes, right?

Finally, I think I will eventually start posting some of my pictures in here as well, although I should probably make a Flickr account - I still don't have one!! Anyway, in the meanwhile you can find some of my own 'work' in the blog Indipendent Photography: it's really nice and I suggest you to get involved, if you as well like to 'snap' some pictures every once in a while.
